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Track Name: Multidisiplinary

Track Chairs:
Francisco Garcia-Serrano, Saint Louis University.Madrid
Yonsoo Kim, Purdue University
Constantino Malagon, Universidad Nebrija

Song No, Purdue University
Email: [email protected]

Track Description:
Technology has been a driving force of modern and contemporary cultural, socio-economic, and industrial development. At the same time, the future has been imagined and predicted by technology or vice versa. Future has not merely been a temporal space but an ideal point which technology attempts to project. From technological utopianism to current anticipations of environmental catastrophe, technology has been the emblematic potential of the future. This year’s conference aims to consider distinct ways of thinking about the future, while questioning what it is—other than the preoccupations of the present—that is invoked when we talk about the future. We invite panels and individual papers on these or related topics, but will give full consideration to any proposal within AHLiST’s scope.

Suggested Topics (but not limited to):

1. Convergence and divergence among literature, technology and science.

i) Technology/Science and Literature.
ii) Cognitive Science and Literature.
iii) Ideology, Science and Technology.
iv) Single or Comparative Author Studies.
v) Fiction, Poetry and Science Studies.
vi) Digital or Hypertext Literature.
vii) Computer Mediated Communication and Humanities Studies.

2. Interdisciplinary links among history, science and technology.

i) History and Science.
ii) Historic Cartography.
iii) New Technologies and Archeology.
iv) Restoration and conservation.
vi) Archive and Library Systems on line.

3. Technology, texturality, and language.

i) Accessible Information Technology in Education.
ii) Computational Linguistics; Computational Lexicography.
iii) Paleography and Pattern Recognition.
iv) Digitalization Projects and Document Image Analysis.
v) Information Retrieval, Database Systems and Data integration.
vi) Technology and Humanities Teaching and Research.
vii) Virtual Classroom; Interactive Technology and Language Learning.
viii) Integration between Computational Methods and Theories with Research in Humanities.

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