Track Title: Future Trends in Branding Technologies
Track Chair:
Seiji Endo, University of Mississippi, [email protected],
Akinori Ono, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, [email protected]
Track Description:
Given the premise “brand equity…accrue to a product with its brand name compared with those that would accrue if the same product did not have the brand name” (Aaker, 1991), branding has been enticing many scholars and practitioners. Since technology has progressed dramatically in the past 20 years, companies today operate under a different mindset regarding branding. By using innovative technologies, branding itself is moving in different directions. Therefore, companies need to change their branding strategies for developing new products and services.
Suggested Topics (but not limited to:)
- Branding technologies for new types of products
- Branding new products in a new industry
- Branding high-tech products
- Branding mass customized products
- Branding co-created products with customers
- New types of branding technologies
- New types of brand extension
- Co-branding; ingredient branding; brand alliance
- Cooperate and product branding mi
- High-tech brand communication tools
- New trends for branding with mass media
- e-Branding; web branding; mobile branding
- Green branding; branding and green washing
- New metrics for brand evaluation
- New metrics for evaluating various effects of brand extension