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Track Title: Future Impact of Technology on Healthcare and Education

Track Chairs:
Driss Benhaddou, University of Houston, [email protected]
Mequanint Moges, University of Houston,  [email protected]

Track Description:
The wide deployments of mobile and wireless technologies, especially smart phones and wireless sensor networks (WSN), have increasingly affected different facets of our life such as healthcare and education. At the same time, the significant increase in the number of smart phone users has created new opportunities for real time information as well as location based content sharing by combining them with available web services. There is a need to apply robust research findings in the application of mobile technology in healthcare and in the development of appropriate teaching strategies that will utilize mobile technology in the classroom. Mobile services for future education and healthcare have become a required research subject in both practitioners and academic researchers.

We are pleased to announce and invite manuscripts for joint AHLiST conference from researchers and practitioners on mobile and wireless technologies for education and healthcare. The purpose is to promote discussion and interaction among academics, researchers and professionals in the field. We expect and encourage a wide diversity of subjects across education and healthcare in mobile contexts.

Suggested Topics:

<Mobile technologies adoption in the class room>
Teaching strategies and pedagogy
Tools, applications, and widgets for Mobile learning
social software for mobile learning
Case studies
Ethical issues in Mobile learning
Assessment of Mobile learning
web 2.0 for mobile education

<Data-mining for mobile healthcare>
Security issues for Mobile Healthcare
Tools, applications, and widgets for Mobile heathcare
web 2.0 for mobile healthcare
Case studies

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