The 2014 Interdisciplinary Conference of AHLiST
Distinguished Executive Board
The 2014 AHLiST Conference will be held at:
Claustro de La Merced
Centro, Cra 4 No. 38-40 Plaza de La Merced
Cartagena de Indias
All presenters and participants must be members of the Association by conference time and carry badges at all time
Participants, please be aware of the following norms:
a) Normally each panel consists of 3 or 4 presentations and 1 moderator.
b) Each participant will have 15 to 20 minutes maximum for the presentation of his/her work. Even if a presentation paper is co-authored, still it must be presented within 20 minutes.
c) 15-minute discussion after all three or four presentations of each panel.
d) Each session will be strictly 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The 2014 Interdisciplinary Conference of AHLiST
Distinguished Executive Board
(Oversee all operations: announcement, budget, registration, etc.)
Conference Coordinators
(Supervising proposal acceptance and panel organization)
Primary Advisory Board
Eugenio Bustos Gisbert (Catedrático de Filología Española, UCM)
Epícteto Díaz Navarro (Profesor Titular de Filología Española, UCM)
Fenrong Liu (Professor, Tsinghua University)
Paul Dixon (Professor of Spanish, Purdue U.)
Patricia Hart (Professor of Spanish, Purdue U.)
R. Douglas Hurt (Professor, Department Head, Department of History, Purdue U.)
Eugenio R. Luján (Vicedecano de Investigación y Postgrado de Facultad de Filología, UCM)
Howard Mancing (Professor of Spanish, Purdue U.)
Song No (Associate Dean,Purdue University)
Nancy Peterson (Professor & Interim Head, Department of English, Purdue U.)
Jeffery Siskind (Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue U.)
Ronnie Wilbur (Professor and Chair of Linguistics program, Purdue U.)
The Cartagena University and the AHLiST suggests the following hotels:
Apartamentos Edificio Orange Suit[email protected] Cels: (57) 321 234 8481 – 321 234 8454. Cartagena, Colombia. __________________________________________________________________________ Centro Hotel Contact: Tel: 6640461/ 6648961
Los Balcones de Badillo Contact: Gisella de la Ossa (+575) 6601703 – 300 8050916 Tel: (+057) 6601703 – 300 8050916
Hotel Casa Real e-mail: [email protected] Tel:5-664-7089
Hotel Bellavista Tel: (575) 656-6291
Hotel Monterrey Contact: Yajaira Blanquiset (57)-(5) 650 3030 |
To all the participants to AHLiST 2014 and, particularly, to those who want to publish their papers in the proceedings of the Congress this year in the page of AHLiST 2014.
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad de Cartagena |
Email: [email protected] |
Emergencies abroad
Getting a passport
If you are planning to go abroad in the next year and do not have a passport, apply for one immediately. If you do have one, be sure that it will be valid for as long as you need it, or apply for a renewal immediately. Click here to visit the U.S. Passport Services Office web page.
Cartagena de Indias Travel Tips
Money & Banking Abroad
Sources of airline tickets
Traveling while abroad
Safety abroad
Health abroad
Of general interest to travelers
Sources of world news
Information on other countries
Face to face
November 19, 2014
November 21, 2014
UniversIity de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
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