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Track Title: Art,  Technology, and Future

Track Chair: Beatriz  Arnillas, University of Houston, [email protected]

Track Description:
Innovations in technology have always played a significant role in the arts. In many cases it is hard to say whether it was the technology that created a new art form, or if it were the artists who developed the new technology. While technology does not exclusively define the development of visual arts/architecture, it certainly continues to contribute to an expansion of the definition and use of forms, formats, languages, career options, conceptual frameworks, curatorial practices and the market. We welcome a wide range of papers and/or presentations in a variety of media that explore current trends in art and architecture that involve technology, or inversely, trends that may point to instances where successful practices seem to be dissociated from current trends in technology, and possible directions this dialogue might take us in the future.

We are pleased to announce and invite abstracts for individual or panel presentations for the AHLiST conference from artists, art historians, critics, curators, architects, designers and other creative professionals. We encourage a wide diversity of subjects across the arts and technology spectrum.

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

Electronic and mobile media

Other Technologies

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